
it’s just like confusion, but all blog related. we all know i am not tech savvy, i have admitted this freely. i have also admitted i’m not a blogger by nature nor a creative writer by trade. this blog is simply an electronic journal of my travel experiences. and perhaps some person will find this blog while randomly searching the internet and find a little amusement within.

right, so after i started this blog my co-workers suggested there might be other blog hosting sites that would be better suited for my project. i call this a project because a project can end without any warning and i may end this one day. nothing lasts forever, except maybe cockroaches.

so now in addition to this blog, i now have the same blog on Tumblr and Posterous. mind you there is a blog, with a main page and one post, but that is about it……’s crazy really. me, the person that wasn’t interested in blogging at all, has now skipped dinner and has three blogs with the same name on three different hosting sites. it would be four, but i ended up deleting the WordPress edition. WordPress note-they are totally serious when they say you can’t get it back once you delete it. the blog is gone, and the name….unusable by anyone else. their site was a little more complicated and i had a blog freakout. not tech savvy, remember that!

oh, and if three-four blogs with the same name isn’t enough, i registered the domain as well. who am i?!

photo courtesy of

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