it was an uneventful flight to Argentina, which is a good thing. the person next to me had a broken video screen and had to change seats, leaving me two seats all to myself….poor me. also i have to give credit to the wonderful pilot on the flight from JFK to EZE for making the smoothest landing ever. ever!
while researching Argentina, somehow i missed the part where they charge you $100+ to come into the country, thankfully you can pay by credit card. once the surprise payment was taken care of, it was smooth sailing to get through customs, grab my luggage and get out the door. Rolando was there to pick me up and it was an easy ride to the hotel.
since I got in at 9 AM my room wasn’t quite ready, but that’s ok, who doesn’t like to spend a couple of hours in a hotel lobby after traveling for 15 hours.
by noon i got into my room and promptly napped for a couple of hours. just because i had more room in my seat doesn’t mean i actually slept. a long shower and a coffee later i was off to check out the area. not too far from the hotel is the “Broadway” of the city, tons of theater, cinema and events. should it still be playing when i return to BA, i may see if i can catch a matinee of Hamlet. granted, i won’t understand it all, but i’m pretty sure the story doesn’t change with the language.
photo courtesy of